
Dr. med. Dragana Radovanovic

For the last 23 years, I have been managing and leading the AMIS Plus Project, the largest Swiss national registry in healthcare.

AMIS Plus continuously collects data on patients treated for myocardial infarction. It is a tool for monitoring and understanding the use and practicability of knowledge gained from randomized trials, how these transfer into real-world clinical situations and locate where there is room for optimization.

A man walks through a library

Study Design and Data management

I developed the design of the various studies, made plan for the recording and conducting of the data I particularly worked towards the developmentof online clinical data entry and have built up networks with Swiss hospitalsand the opinion leaders of Cardiology, Internal Medicine and Intensive CareMedicine.

Data Analysis

Using AMIS Plus data I have investigated many topics, such as gender differences in cardiac patients, impact of healthcare availability on outcome as well as the effects of different drugs or procedural treatments on mortality.

Publishing & Coaching

I supervised several medical dissertations, master theses and a diploma.

114 peer-reviewed
20 non-peer reviewed
11 book chapters.

Paper with graph

We provide consulting, advisement and support in medical research

  • Planning and carrying of a study
  • Study design
  • Project and data management
  • Statistical evaluation of the data
  • Data interpretation
  • Study evaluation
  • Consultation
  • Expertise
  • Publishing
  • Coaching

Get In Touch

  • Zelgmatt 25, 8132 Egg bei Zürich
  • +41 78 707 29 52

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